uPick'em Squares

4.7 ( 9447 ratings )
スポーツ ゲーム スポーツ
開発者 Mark Reha
0.99 USD

Are you ready for some football? Setup a traditional Office Pool Squares game board with uPickem Squares. uPickem Squares is simply the best pro football Office Pool Squares application in the Apple App Store. Compliment your Fantasy Football League by creating a fun Office Pool. Setup your Office Pool Team with your friends today! uPickem Squares is compatible with your Apple iPhone or iPad running iOS 6.1 or later.

uPickem Squares is easy to use. Sign up. Log In. Click on any game to set up your Office Pool Squares game board. Then tap the Save button. It’s that simple. Do you need help reminding you each week to setup your Office Pool? No problem, just enable the Remind Me feature in your User Profile!

Setting up your own Team is easy and takes just 3 simple steps:
1. Sign Up
2. Enter your Team information
3. Add Players to your Team
It is that easy! You can also play in and set up multiple Teams.

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• Create your own Team or join an existing Team.
• Make your Teams private or public.
• Sign up and play in multiple Teams.
• Manage new players in your Team.
• Automatically sends a Welcome Notification email to all new Players.
• Invite your friends to play along with you in your Office Pool with just a tap of a button.
• Enable reminders so you never forget to setup your Office Pool game board.
• Collaborative game board and player entry.
• Automatically sets up your Office Pool Squares game board scores.
• Automatically sets up your Office Pool Squares game board winners.
• Share your Office Pool Square game board using a Message, e-Mail, and more.